Rent terms


Rent terms at Baska Rent a Boat

The Rent Agency shall rent out a boat to the client (renter) under the following conditions:

  1. The Client shall sign the rental agreement making it clear that he agrees with all the contract provisions.
  2. Boats have third party insurance. In case the damage is caused by you, you are obliged to cover the damage expenses. Damage assessment shall be performed by Agency employee and you shall agree with the assessment.
  3. The Client shall posses a valid license for boat navigation, if not he shall take the entire responsibility.
  4. The Agency shall rent only completely equipped boats, fueled and in perfect shape and the same shall be expected when the boat shall be returned. The boat shall be delivered at the agreed time and at the agreed place. For day rental the boat shall be taken at 9 a.m. and returned by 7 p.m.
  5. The Client shall, along with the rent price pay also deposit of security (in HRK counter value) which shall be returned to the Client if boat and its equipment are returned in its initial state. The Client shall also give its personal identification document (passport or identity card) which shall be returned to him upon the completion of rental if the boat and its equipment are in good shape. The Client shall also report its sail route which shall be also written in the contract.
  6. The Client is the only one who can navigate the boat, if not he shall loose his right for the return of deposit of security. Sub-renting is not allowed and neither is giving the boat to third parties.
  7. If the Client for any reason shall terminate the contract before its expiration, the money paid for the rent shall not be returned.
  8. Agency defines the number of persons to be transported by boat. This number shall not be exceeded.
  9. In case of accident, the Client shall call the Agency to come to the relevant Harbor Masters Office where the Minutes shall be made and the boat protected during the procedure. If the Client fails to do the above, he shall bare the sole responsibility for the consequences which might arise.
  10. During the duration of rental, it is forbidden to take out the accompanying equipment and all the listed equipment.
  11. In case of discrepancies in interpreting the Croatian text compared to any of other foreign languages, the Croatian text shall prevail.
  12. Jurisdiction – for all the disputes that might not be solved in amicable way, the County Court of of Krk shall have jurisdiction.



Baska, Krk Island - Croatia

A cultural centre with the oldest Croatian written document (the 900 years old Stone of Baska), and with a long tradition in tourism, Baska has emerged as a holiday resort for a wide range of tourists. Accommodation of the highest quality, sports activities, exceptional pebble beaches, more than 2500 hours of sunshine a year, its gastronomy – this is the choice to meet anyone’s desires. It is impossible to come and not to return. Lovers of the animal world can find here marine and land autochthonous species in their natural environment. The wonderful landscape covered with medicinal herbs makes the basin of Baska a healthy place to spend your holiday. By boat or on foot, one of our thirty-odd pebble beaches can be yours. Big or small, or even the smallest one for those in love, hidden in the shadow of scented pine trees – it’s up to you to discover it. Traditional evenings, folklore, concerts, local bands called “klapa” and the local gastronomic specialties will give you a pleasurable time and offer you real relaxation.

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